Many wish to buy stocks now, but afraid buying at the tail end of a bull run, suffer losses and cannot recover. Then please take a look at NGGB, excitement to start in 2021, but remember, prices sometimes move before the actual profits.
Turning oil palm FFB waste into paper, reduce cutting of trees.
12,000MT, but delayed to Q1 due to covid.
410 acres of land, more phases will be coming. As per annual report and website, they can make different types of paper.
As announced, they also developing and sell properties.
Advance phases.
Further to the announcement made on 10 October 2019, the Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that the Company, IHI Corporation and Nomura Holdings, Inc. (“Parties”) are still in the midst of carrying out the feasibility study on the development of a 30-megawatt Biomass Power Plant, Alkaline Recovery Plant and wastewater treatment plant for the Company’s Green Technology Park Pahang as well as the projects in Negeri Sembilan and Sarawak and also discussion on the collaboration structure including but not limited to establishment of a joint venture arrangement and terms of the definitive agreement. The Memorandum of Understanding has been extended for another one (1) year.
This announcement is dated 10 January 2020. Bursa Malaysia
Substantial shareholder was buying, as per announcement.
Wanted to gather more info to post, but saw the price started moving lately. RM0.455
Just sleep on it and wait.
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